**Feed your IPod well! Unlimited downloads: Movies, Music, Games and More.**

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Bird A Day Blog has moved to BirdADay.com!

Please update your bookmarks, feed subscriptions and links.

Thank you for your support!

Monday, August 21, 2006

***Migrating Notice***

Not birds, but I'm moving the blog over to WordPress.

Don't go away! A better Bird A Day Blog is about to happen!

Hopefully this won't take more than a day or two.

Thanks for your patience.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Basket Party - Cockatiels, Budgerigars and Peachface Lovebirds

It's a party!
Marvin, Lilo, Sassafras - Cockatiels
Summer, Rosie - Budgerigars/American Parakeets
Peachy - Peachfaced Lovebird

Photo Credit: Andrew Rocuant

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Saturday, August 19, 2006

Cockatiel - Sassafras

Sassafras - Cockatiel

Photo Credit: Andrew Rocuant

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Friday, August 18, 2006

Budgerigar - Rosie

Rosie - Budgerigar

Photo Credit: Andrew Rocuant

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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Cockatiel - Lilo

Lilo typing a study paper.
4/15/04 - 7/16/04
You are missed!

Photo Credit: Andrew Rocuant

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Video - Finches

So far on BirdADay, all of the posts have been all my own photos. But today I have a treat for you. A video!
Pardon My Finch, by BarfSoup

Enjoy the birds and great video!

Video Credit:BarfSoup
Used with permission.

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